進口熱詞 | 【自貿區】開放!6個省區(青島自貿區)新設自由貿易試驗區
pilot free trade zones
Setting up new pilot free trade zones (FTZs) is "a major decision by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and a strategic move to advance reform and opening-up in the new era," the plan said. 方案指出,新設自由貿易試驗區是黨中央、國務院作出的重大決策,是新時代推進改革開放的戰略舉措。
This will bring the total number of the country's pilot FTZs to 18, which serve as pioneers of the country's reform and opening-up as they test new styles of foreign investment management, trade facilitation and transformation of government functions to better integrate the economy with international practices. 自由貿易試驗區是我國改革開放的先鋒,是新型外商投資管理、貿易便利化以及政府職能轉變的試驗田,以便讓我國的經濟更好地與國際慣例接軌。至此,我國自由貿易試驗區總數將達到18個。
山東自貿試驗區圍繞加快推進新舊發展動能接續轉換、發展海洋經濟,形成對外開放新高地,提出了培育貿易新業態新模式(nurture new businesses)、加快發展海洋特色產業(develop the marine economy)和探索中日韓三國地方經濟合作(explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level)等方面的具體舉措。
2019年8月27日, 繁忙的山東青島港外貿集裝箱碼頭。來源:視覺中國
江蘇自貿試驗區圍繞打造開放型經濟發展先行區(pioneer in open economy development)、實體經濟創新發展(innovative development of real economy)和產業轉型升級示范區(demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrade),提出了提高境外投資合作水平、強化金融對實體經濟的支撐和支持制造業創新發展(support innovation and development of the manufacturing industry)等方面的具體舉措。
廣西自貿試驗區圍繞建設西南中南西北出海口、面向東盟的國際陸海貿易新通道(new channel for international land-sea trade targeting ASEAN),形成21世紀海上絲綢之路和絲綢之路經濟帶有機銜接的重要門戶,提出了暢通國際大通道、打造對東盟合作先行先試示范區(pilot zone of cooperation with the ASEAN region)和打造西部陸海聯通門戶港等方面的具體舉措。
河北自貿試驗區圍繞建設國際商貿物流重要樞紐(key hub for international trade and logistics)、新型工業化基地、全球創新高地和開放發展先行區,提出了支持開展國際大宗商品貿易(international commodity trade)、支持生物醫藥與生命健康產業開放發展(the opening up of biomedicine- and healthcare-related industries)等方面的具體舉措。
云南自貿試驗區圍繞打造“一帶一路”和長江經濟帶互聯互通的重要通道(build an important channel of connectivity for the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River economic belt),建設連接南亞東南亞大通道的重要節點,推動形成我國面向南亞東南亞輻射中心、開放前沿,提出了創新沿邊跨境經濟合作模式(innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation)和加大科技領域國際合作力度等方面的具體舉措。
黑龍江自貿試驗區圍繞深化產業結構調整(deepen industrial structure adjustment),打造對俄羅斯及東北亞區域合作的中心樞紐,提出了加快實體經濟轉型升級、推進創新驅動發展和建設面向俄羅斯及東北亞的交通物流樞紐(build a transportation and logistics hub to facilitate cooperation with Russia and Northeast Asia)等方面的具體舉措。
方案強調,自貿試驗區建設過程中,要強化底線思維和風險意識,完善風險防控和處置機制(improve mechanism of risk control and response),實現區域穩定安全高效運行,切實維護國家安全和社會安全(safeguard national and social security)。充分發揮地方和部門積極性,抓好各項改革試點任務落實,高標準高質量建設自貿試驗區(build high-quality free trade pilot zones with high standards)。
free trade agreement 自由貿易協定
real economy 實體經濟
business environment 營商環境
investment environment 投資環境
the Yangtze River economic belt
negative lists for foreign investment market access